Sunday, September 8, 2013

7 Islands from Srimad Bhagavatham

I am listening to Srimad Bhagavatham now-a-days and my thoughts in this midnight revolve around the 7 islands that are discussed in Srimad Bhagavatham.

From the Puranic Encyclopedia 

"The puranas describe the Earth to be constituted of seven continents : Jambudvip, Plaksadvip, Salmali dvip, Kusadvip, kraunchadvip, Sakadvip and Puskaradvip. Of these India is Jambudvip." (dvip means island).

I am quoting the text from Puranic Encyclopedia page no. 123 for myself to read sooner.

The Bharatavarsa was constituted of nine islands at that time in the following positions : In the centre was Ilavrta and to the east was Bhadravarsa. To the south-east was Hiranyaka and to the south was Bharata. To the southwest was Hari and to the west was Ketumala. To the north-west was cambaka and to the north was Kuruvarsa. Beautiful Kirhpurusa varsa stood to the north-east of Ilavrta. There was neither the passage of time nor the fear of ageing or death in any of these continents excepting Bharatavarsa.

This Bharatavarsa itself is a group of nine islands each separated from the other by oceans and thus made not easily accessible between each other. Indradvipa, Kaseruman, Tamraparna, Gabhastiman, Nagadvipa, Kataha, Simhala and Varuna are the eight others and the ninth is this island of Bharatavarsa. This island is called Kumara also. 

On the eastern boundary of this island live Kiratas, on the western side, Yavanas, on the southern boundary Andhras and on the north Turuskas. In the Centre live the Brahmins, Ksatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras. 

The eight sacred mountains of this place are Mahendra, Malaya, Sahya, Suktiman, Rksaparvata, Vindhya and Pariyatra. 

There are several other mountains also in Madhyapradesa. They are: Kolahala, Vaibhraja, Mandara, Durddhara, Vatadhuma, Vaidyuta, Mainaka, Sarasa, Tungaprastha, Nagagiri, Govardhana, Ujjayanta, Puspagiri, Arbuda, Raivataka, Rsyamuka, Gomanta, Citrakufa, Krtasmara, Sriparvata and Konkana. This place is inhabited by Aryas and Mlecchas. 

The rivers which they use for drinking water are the following: SarasvatI, Pancarupa, Kalindl, Hiranvatt, Satadru, Candrika, Nila, Vitasta, IravatI, Kuhu, Madhura, Hararavi, Usira, Dhataki, Rasa, GomatI, Dhutapapa, Bahuda, Drsadvati, Nisvara, Gandaki, Citra, Kausiki, Vadhusara, Sarayu and Lohitya. All these rivers originate from the base of Himavan. 

Those originating from Pariyatra are: Vedasmrti, Vedasvani, Vrtraghni, Sindhu, Parnasa, Nandim, PavanI, Mahl, Sara, Carmmanvatt, Lupi, Vidila, VenumatI, Citra and Oghavatl. 

Those flowing down from the Rksaparvata are: Sona alias Mahanada, Narmada, Surasa, Kriya, Mandakini, Dasarna, Citrakuta, Devika, Citrotpala, Tamasa, Karatoya, Pisacika, Pippalasreni, Vipasa, Vaiijjulavati, Satsantaja, Suktimati, Cakrini, Tridiva, Vasu, Valguvahinl. 

From the base of Vindhya flow down the following rivers: Siva, Payosm, Nirvindhya, Tapi, Vena, Nisadhavati, VaitaranI, Sinibahu, Kumudvati, Toya, Reva, Mahagaurl, Durggya and Antass'iva. 

Those originating from the base of Sahya are the following great rivers : Godavari, Bhimarathi, Krsna, Venya, Saridvati, Visa- madri, Suprayoga, Vahya, Kaveri, Dugdhoda, Nalini, Varisena, and Kalasvana. 

Those arising from Suktiman are the following: Krtamala, Tamravarru, Vanjjula, Utpalavati, Sum and Sudama. 

All these rivers are very sacred and are considered to be absolvers of sins, mothers of the universe and wives of oceans. There are bad rivers also besides these.

The Madhyapradesa comprises the following states: Matsya, KuSudra, Kundala, Pancala, Kosala, Vrka, Saka, Barbara, Kaurava, Kaliriga, Vahga, Ariga and Marmaka. 

The states lying to the north are the following: Abhira, Sathyadhanaka, Bahlika, Vatadhana, Abhlra, Kalatoyada, Aparanta, Sudra, Pahlava, Khetaka, Gandhara, Yavana, Sindhu, Sauvira, Bhadraka,
Satadrava, Lalittha, Paravata, Musika, Mathara, Urukadhara, Kekaya, Darhsana, Kamboja, Darada, Ahga, Lokika, Vena, Tusara, Bahya, Todara, Atreya, Bharadvaja, Prasthala, Daseraka, Lambaka, Tavakarama, Cudika, Tarhgana, Alasa, Alibhadra, Kirata, Tamasa, Hamsamarga, Supars'va, Ganaka, Kuluta, Kurhika, Curna, LFrnapada, Kukkuta, Mandavya and Panavlya! 

Those lying to the east are the following : Ahga, Variga, Madgurava, Antarggiri, Bahirggiri, Pravarhga, Vamgeya, Mamsada, Baladantika, Brahmottara, Pravijaya, Bhargava, Arigeya, Marsaka, Pragjyotisa, Vrsaddhra, Videha, Malla, Tamraliptaka, Magadha and Ananda. 

The states lying to the south are the following: Pundra, Kerala, Cola, Kulya, Januka, Musikada, Kumarada, Mahasaka, Maharastra, Mahisika, Kaliriga, Adira, Vaisikya, Aranya, Sabara, Pulinda'
Vindhyas'aileya, Vidarbha, Dandaka, Paurika, Sarika| Asmaka, Bhogavardhana, Naimika, Kuntala, Andhra' Udbhida and Nalakaraka. The western states are: Surpparaka, Varidhana, Durga, Galikafa, Pullya, Sunila, Tamasa, Tapasa, Karaskara, Bhumi, Nasikanta, Sunarmmada, Darukaccha, Sumaheya, Sarasvata, Vatsiya, Surastra, Avantya and Arbuda. The follwoing states lie adjacent to Vindhya: Karusa, Ekalavya, Mekala, Utkala, Uttamarna, Das'arna, Gopta, Kikarava, Tosala, Kosala, Traipura, Khellisa, Turaga, Turhbara, Vahela, Nisadha' Anupa, Tundikera, Vltihotra and Avanti. 

There are a few more states which lie attached to mountains: Nirahara, Harhsamarga, Kupatha, Tariigana, Khaia, Katha, Pravarana, Crna, Aplasta, Suhuhuka, Trigartta, Kirata, Tomara, Sasikha and Adrika. (Chapter 13, Vamana Purana).


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