Thursday, July 27, 2017

Book Review - Warjuna Book 1 Mrithasu rising

Dont get carried away by seeing the name Arjuna in the title, this book is not other average puranic story converted to fiction. It has a fresh perspective, but with some familiar character names like Kanha, Arjuna, Draupadi etc. Thats the summary.

Unlike Amish's, Anand Neelakantan's book on the subject which are just fiction mapping of puranic events, this book talks about a parallel universe in which stories unwind. Its not Pandavas, Kauravas etc which we are familiar with.

Arjuna is a perfect protector looming in the shades of Mahayogi Kanha. He knows what is best in the situation and others are always in awe for his suggestions. Being the lead character, he just speaks and acts but after reading he kind of fades away. The strength of character is not yet visible in him.

I liked the depiction of Kanha as Mahayogi which is very welcome change after reading the books by the other authors mentioned above. Kanha is an enlightened being who is trying to group forces to save Bharata from looming danger. The way in which Kanha travels to other realms of world is beautiful, almost a fantasy.

The antagonist forces fail to impress mostly because their leader is still hiding behind the grand stage. Nothing much is revealed, but it is an intentional plot by the author. The title itself says the name of antagonist "Mrithasu rising". Hoping to see more of the antagonist in future releases.

Other character names hardly register in my mind. The names are so peculiar that I had to struggle keep remembering characters introduced every now and then.

I believe author has the right reasons for using the names from the mahapurana Mahabharatha. But this book 1 doesn't reveal the reason, which was not what one would have expected.

Also happy by seeing the profile of the author, he is not referring him as a Mythologist; which according to me a deregatory term. Mahabharatha, Ramayana etc are Puranas and not Myths. Its high time people understand it.

Overall, its a good book with some familiar names but not the familiar story.

Disclaimer: I was offered the book by author himself on exchange of a fair review. Thanking him for that, and it was worth my time.


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