Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the expectation

the life starts when sun is working hard,
first thing for me is expect a call,
but the phone won't ring.

the speed of life catches up; I get ready for office,
by the time always i expect a call,
but the phone won't ring.

the food when glides through the throat,
the next thing i expect is a call,
but the phone won't ring.

the shirt that hangs on me reminds me,
to keep the mobile; and expect a call,
but the phone won't ring.

tired of expectation, i sent out a message,
and continue to walk for the bus,
and again expect a call,
but the phone won't ring.

bored out of simply sitting in the bus,
i'll take out the phone couple of times to check,
but again the phone won't ring.

entering the office the phone enters the vibration,
and i keep it next to me always, in expectation;
but the phone won't ring.

reach back to home; first thing to do
give food for the phone and
keep always your senses open for the call,
but again the phone won't ring.

tired of expectation, i take out the phone
and give a ring.
time stretches out and there i get a ring;
the ring i have been waiting for.

what a time that has been...
waiting for that hour day long...
expecting the phone to ring...
and there is the ring from my dear...

always with love to my dear...
the phone sitting next to me reminds...
that im expecting a call.....
but as usual... the phone won't ring.


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